
November is “National Novel Writing Month”. Every year people take up the challenge to write up to 50,000 words during the month. There is even a chart to see how you are dong on your goal and you can sign up “Writing Buddies”. This year I took the challenge , which is huge for an article writer who has a 750 word attention span.

But it isn’t about what I can do…it is about what I am willing to persevere toward. I have heard it said that you don’t fail until you quit. I may not be writing the next great American novel. I may not even come near the next great Placer County novel. BUT I am excited to take up the challenge and see what can happen when I put my mind to it.

How about you? Is there a goal or a discipline you have been putting off?
Take up a 30 day challenge of your own, I am sure that you will be glad you did!

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