When a daughter’s hand is given

There is something magical that happens at weddings. One moment a young woman adorned in a beaded white gown is walked down the aisle holding onto the arm of the man who has raised and loved her. His daughter. After making pledges of  enduring love and a lifetime of devotion she walks out holding onto the arm of the man who has captured her heart. His wife.

Our little girl was a beautiful bride.

It was raining and the outdoor wedding became an indoor wedding, but by the time the bridal party gathered the clouds moved aside for fall sunshine. Pictures were taken and glasses raised to toast the newlyweds. At the end of the day Emma and Thomas drove off to the sound of tin cans being drug behind a vehicle that had the words “Just Married” on the back window.

John and I celebrated our twenty- fifth anniversary this past June and as I tied bows to decorate the hall and glued countless tags on tiny boxes holding wedding mementos I couldn’t help but to reminisce how fast the years have flown by. Someday Emma will hopefully help secure the wedding veil on her daughter’s hair and wonder where the years went, but for now it is enough to revel in the glow of the marriage between two people and a new beginning.

Congratulations Emma and Thomas! May the Lord bless you and keep you from this day forward.   November 20th 2010

“But these three things remain, faith hope and love. The greatest of these is LOVE.”

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