Ahh NUTS! – Recipe for Cinnamon-Sugar Coated Almonds

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img_4665When I saw these yummy sugar cinnamon coated nuts splashed across my FaceBook page, I knew I had to make them. Then I read that they were made in a crock pot. Seriously! Isn’t a crock pot for chili and pot roasts?

So I picked up a 3 lb bag of raw almonds at Costco, pulled out my crockpot, and made sure I had at least 4 hours to complete the task.

Because I wanted to do a lighter sugar coating, I added twice the nuts that were called for and my family loved them. Hey, who needs MORE sugar and the adage is true, “Less is More” totally applied in this situation because the finished product was a huge hit.

Another thing I wasn’t sure about was having to stir every 20 minutes for the 3 hours. Really?img_4601

I ended up cleaning, folding laundry, prepping for dinner, and a bunch of other things in between so it wasn’t like I was just standing in the kitchen, apron on, ready to stir my pot of nuts every 20 minutes.

After about an hour I smelled something wonderful coming from my kitchen. By the second hour, the entire house smelled like a See’s candy store or some high-end candle only lit for special occasions.

I wished I could have canned the air and turned it into a scratch and sniff. It was that intoxicating.

The final result, I am going to have to go to Costco to pick up another big bag of almonds. I need to make more img_4605to give out as little gifts, in fact, this recipe is going on my list of favorites right next to homemade marshmallows and graham crackers.

From my kitchen to yours,



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  1. These sound so good. Just to clarify, did you double the recipe or just double the amount of nuts? Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi T.
    The original recipe called for 1 1/2 c. granulated sugar and 1 1/2c. brown sugar and 4 1/2 c. almonds. I cut the sugar in half..but then turned around and doubled the recipe so I could make a bigger batch..seriously,that is a bit of a time commitment so I wanted to make it count. I used a 3 lb. bag of almonds and 1/1/2 c. of each of the sugars and 6 Tbl cinnamon. It totally worked. I went to Smart and Final and purchased little white take-out containers (3.99 for 50) and will put about 3/4 cup in each container with a few dipped pretzels..add a nice bow and tag and gifts are ready!I also bought some cute holiday baggies for food for smaller amounts. Good luck and let me know how yours turns out!

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